Discover the
Consequences of People Pleasing on the Mind, Body and Soul?
So you finally start saying NO to others and YES to yourself.
REGISTER HERE- Discover the toll people pleasing has on the body and what health issues I have seen become chronic problems in those who cannot say no others.
- Learn how the mind is systematically impacted by people pleasing and the severe effect it has on being able to create positive change in all areas of your life.
- Understand the cost people pleasing has on the soul and how important it is to heal and address this issue if you want to live a life of passion and purpose.
- Finally see the big picture and how people pleasing hurts the mind, body and soul. By seeing the whole picture you will be completely inspired to change your life.
I'm Jess!
I have been coaching full time now for two years. I call myself an Ascension Guide, Healer, Alchemist and Coach.
I help people to Ascend out of the lower three chakras where we stay stuck in sabotaging patterns, cultural wounds, limiting self beliefs and inherited programs.
I guide my clients through my Archetypal Empowerment process. While holding space for them to energetically release blocks, traumas and entanglements in their quantum field.
I am passionate about deep shadow work and believe that true freedom comes from the power of truly knowing thy self.
I have created short courses and large coaching programs because I am passionate about helping people understand they have the power to change their lives.