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The Power of Directed Will with Kara Udziela

Kara Udziela is a multi talented and incredible friend who I admire tremendously. She is an extremely talented Animal Communicator (who has the best reels on TikTok and IG) but she also has a wealth of knowledge about Western Mysticism and has trained in multiple traditions.

She joins me today to talk about Directed Will. What it is and how to use it as a profound and powerful transformational tool. I was so inspired by her personal stories and I thank her for sharing them so generously with us.

You can find her and her ebook here:

You can follow her on IG here:

About the Host Jess Beard:

I am obsessed and beyond passionate about helping people to transform and empower themselves. I use my unique Archetypal Empowerment program and online courses to help people change their sabotaging patterns, limiting self beliefs and release old traumas and wounds. I want this podcast to be filled with amazing people who have amazing stories that inspire you.

You can find me at

Follow me on IG here:

or join my free Facebook group here:

If you loved this episode please review, comment and follow the video of us will be added to Youtube tomorrow.
Jess Xx