
The Empath

3 Day Bootcamp

Discover the 3 Phases that your Empath is most vulnerable and learn why each phase requires a different set of tools to protect yourself.

Join this Bootcamp and learn what is happening Energetically and Archetypally so you can stop giving away your precious energy to others!

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Over The 3 Days

You Will Learn:

✅ What are the 3 Phases that your Empath is most vulnerable to being drained and why.

✅ Understand what is happening Energetically and Archetypally during these phases and how this information is KEY to no longer being drained.

✅ Get a bonus video training on the Empath Archetype so you understand how the Empath is actually suppose to be your SUPERPOWER not your greatest burden. 

Join Bootcamp Here

About Me:

My name is Jess Beard. I am a Empowerment Coach, Archetypal Teacher and Healer. Through my unique programs and coaching I have been combining archetypes, shamanism and quantum healing.

Many of my clients are healers, mystics, starseeds, seers, coaches and entrepreneurs in the spiritual field. They feel deeply comfortable with me because I speak their language and they instinctively feel safe with me.

We all have patterns, habits and wounds that need healing when we want to step-up and start being of service to others. Often my clients ask Spirit to help them start their business, let go sabotaging pattern or release fears and doubts because they are ready for their next upgrade.

Spirit leads them to me because Archetypal Empowerment is so powerful. It helps you to find your purpose, step into your power and deep healing of life long patterns.